Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Bad Mouthing in English and Cantonese

Usually at lunch, Vicky and I have some kind of cultural exchange so I can better understand Chinese and Hongkongese peeps, and she can have a better understanding of Americans.

Yesterday we exchanged bad words. Turns out many of our expressions are the same, and turns out a lot of them have to do with "your mom."


Some pictures I forgot about:
This one I took for my mum, the big Spiderman fan.

The line of Jager bombs from Saturday

The line of tequila shots from Saturday

Who says bankers and lawyers are no fun?

A fountain I came across outside IFC mall. I was on a quest for a hat, and failed.

If I come across those ninjas tonight, I'll be sure to let them know how I feel about their mother.

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