Thursday, March 27, 2008


My parents, same as they were 30 years ago at my dad's alma mater.

I've made a handful of trips to the Philippines. Several as a child since the age of two, and 3 trips as an adult. Except for a couple of days in Boracay, it's always just time to hang out with family. I've never seen any touristy sights of places of cultural significance. I laid the law down and it's time for a change.

We made a stop at Elmer's alma mater, the University of the Philippines. He hadn't been there since graduation.

This is where my dad beat the !@#*%!*@?!! out of some guy who was in a rival fraternity.

The business college, which is no longer the business college, but where my mom used to yell and scream and call for my dad and their friend. Now you know where I get it from.

If only gasoline came from the heavens...

Brian's first halo-halo, a super tasty ice creamy treat that's not hard to find if you haven't had it yet. Do it.

Some pictures at Intramurous, the walled city.


Intramuros, located along the southern bank of the Pasig River, was built by the Spaniards in the 16th century and is the oldest district of the city of Manila. Its name, taken from the Latin, intra muros, literally "Within the walls", meaning within the wall enclosure of the city/fortress, also describes its structure as it is surrounded by thick, high walls and moats. During the Spanish colonial period, Intramuros was considered Manila itself.



It was the coolest thing I've seen there. I'm a sucker for old stuff.




Sadly, the whole city was razed to the ground by bombings conducted by American forces when they recaptured Manila from the Japanese in 1945. Today most of the walls, gates and bulwarks have been restored, affording visitors a glimpse into the past.



We then went to the Ayala Museum where you can see the history of the Philippines in diorama form! It was great, since I'm dense and should know more than I do. But I'm eager to learn more about the history of my peeps. These poor people have been occupied by everyone under the sun, and the struggle facinates me.

We ate lunch and then Pep and I had to take off so I could get back to work. Lame. But check out where we ate lunch, for reallys!

Really?  We ended up eating here.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


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